Helfe Association is led by the following committee members :


President : Mohamed Aly HAJA FAKHRUDEEN

Vice President : Hounaisse DJIAVOUDINE

Treasurer : Sophia MOHAIDINE

Vice Treasurer : Nasrine MARECAR

Secretary : Samina HAJA FAKHRUDEEN

IT Admin & Board Member : Haja MOHAIDINE, Nissar MARECAR

Advisor & Board Member : Mohamed ZAMAN, Naushad FARID


Every human being at the bottom of his heart wants to help needy people , but as an individual person this support is only minimal That’s why a group of friends came together to form one large and big hand to support them. But how and especially who can we really help? After a long reflection and discussion, we decided that giving EDUCATION is the best way to help by lending our hand to talented person. Education only makes a man perfect and eases him to swim in this large world and manage it. That’s how HELFE (Help For Education) was formed.

Every member contribute a fixed amount on a monthly basis which will be used to support needy people for studies cost and also for any noble causes which is been brought forward by any member of HELFE ASSOCIATION only after a complete inspection (with proofs). HELFE ASSOCIATION will contribute 15000 INR for every request and will analyse each & every case if more than allocated amount is needed. Only the board members have the rights and will decide if a request will be approved or not.